Monday, September 28, 2009

Sleep Study??

Have you ever had a sleep study done?  Well, that's what I get to do tonight.  Show up at the hospital at 7 PM so they can hook me up to a bunch of stuff to watch me "sleep".  I mean how are you supposed to sleep when you are hooked up to 9 million wires??  Come ready to relax and sleep.  That's what they said.  Bring whatever snacks you are used to and whatever helps you relax.  I really don't see how that's gonna happen.  But, I'll try.  I stay tired all the time.  But, I just atribute it to having three very active kids.  I mean I'm on the run constantly.  Who wouldn't be tired, right?  But, my doc wants to make sure its not sleep apnea.  Because, yes, I snore.  Sometimes its so bad my hubby has to head to the couch.  My middle son thought we were fighting alot because he would wake up and his dad would be on the couch!  When I explained it to him, he started laughing.  Yep, something else for the kiddos to pick at me about.  But, oh well.  Maybe they will find out something tonight.  Or maybe they won't.  Who knows.  I just hope I can sleep.  I'm afraid its going to be a loooong night!!

Friday, September 25, 2009


It's homecoming weekend at Minden High School.  All the students are excited about the game.  The class floats have been completed in hopes of winning.  The alumni are in town, excited to see friends from the past.  The whole town is buzzing with anticipation.  It's homecoming!  But its also a sad day.  One of our own has gone to be with our Lord.  Three young men have lost their dad.  And we wonder why?  Why do things like this happen?  Well, if we stop and think about it, it's still a homecoming.  There is a homecoming in heaven!  They are all excited to see their friend from the past!  The whole "town" is buzzing with anticipation.  Another one of God's saints is coming home!!  Homecoming.....just in a different kind of way.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Hello Blog World!!

Well, I finally gave in and submitted to the world of "Blog".  I have read blogs for a long time, but never thought my life was interesting enough to have a blog of my own.  I mean I get up every morning around 5:30 AM, get myself ready, get 3 kids up and ready, haul them to school, go to work until 4 PM, go pick up kids, haul them to whatever activity is planned for that day, and usually get back home around 7 or 8 PM and try to make something that resembles a healthy meal.  Then I do laundry, homework, and whatever else I can fit in before I finally fall into bed around 10:30.  Are you tired yet??  Then it all starts over the next day.  That's about it.  That's my life.  Run, Run, Run!!  But, I wouldn't have it any other way.  I have three very active, very intelligent, very social, children.  Two boys and a girl.  The girl being the baby.  Well, not actually a baby anymore.  My oldest is 17, the middle one is 13, and the "baby" is 9.  The oldest two, my boys, are involved in baseball, basketball and football.  My girl is on a competition cheer team.  So, we have some sporting activity just about every day of the week.  Except Sunday.  That's when we go to church and I catch up on all the stuff that didn't get done during the week.  Oh yeah, I'm also married to the most wonderful man in the world.  And have been for 20 years now!!  Like I said, my life isn't that exciting.  But, I guess I will give this blog thing a try anyway.  It's a place where I will tell you how I feel.  Maybe do a little venting every now and then.  And if you don't like that, well, you may as well just not visit my blog again.  Because that's what I do and That's Who I AM!!